Wednesday, January 21, 2015

2015 Beauty and Blogging Resolutions

Hello hello!!

Today's post is dedicated to my 2015 beauty and blogging resolutions!

KVD Foiled Love Lipstick in Oh My Goth
My main beauty resolution for the year of 2015 is to improve my skincare routine.
Since I'm constantly trying new products, I feel its just right that I improve taking care of my skin, especially recently, where I've been noticing more and more breakouts on my face.

Another beauty resolution for this year is to practice my skills on over lining the lips, shaping the brows, and contouring the face.

From my back to school series "Whats in My Makeup Bag"

My main blogging resolution for the year of 2015 is to stick to my blogging schedule which is on weekends. Recently I've been falling behind on posts (my apologies), but it will improve soon so expect more posts to consistently be flowing through!

Another blogging goal is to grow my audience. I plan on achieving that goal by sticking to my first goal and perhaps joining more social networking sites.

I'm interested on knowing your 2015 resolutions! Don't forget to stop by and share some on the comments section below or my Instagram @wndr14lnds



  1. i definitely want to keep growing my audience and experiment with makeup as well :)

    xx danielle // shades of danielle // bloglovin

    1. Definitely! Just checked out your blog, loved it!! xx

  2. Hey, great blog! Your make up posts in particluar are fab. Your pictures are really good as well, wish I could get my pictures to turn out like that. I'd welcome any tips lol! I hope to extend my audience too as I fell behind with blogging last year and didn't do it for months. My plan is to get back into it and do regular posts now though x
