Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Liebster Award - 1st Nomination

Hello there!!

I hope everyone's having a great Monday and a great week ahead of them!
Sorry I missed a post this weekend! I'm definitely stepping up the game and making it up this week!

As you might have guessed from the title, I have been nominated for my first Liebster Award a couple days ago by the lovely Dramabeautypop! (Thank you so much, Dian!!). Please go and check out her blog, a direct link is provided! Just click the blue link!

The Rules:
  • Acknowledge the blogger who nominated you.
  • You must answer the 10 questions given to you by the person who nominated you.
  • You  must pick five nominees with under 200 followers to answer your questions.
  • You cannot nominate the person who nominated you.
  • You must inform the people you nominate that they have been nominated for the award.

Lets get started!

     Who is your role model? Why?
One of my main role models is Emily Noel! I absolutely love how dedicated she is and I definitely look up when blogging. Because of Emily, I plan on creating a YouTube account in the future and dedicate that account strictly on product reviews and tutorials. She lives her life by doing what she loves and loving what she does and that's how I want to live my life as well!

     What is your favorite makeup brand?
From the lower end, my favorite makeup brand would definitely be elf cosmetics! I love how their products are both great quality and very affordable!
From the higher end, my favorite brands (from my collection so far) are LORAC and Laura Geller.
I love the Lorac PRO palettes, the shadows are very buttery, long lasting, and versatile. I love the Laura Geller baked eyeshadows and blushes, they're very pigmented and long lasting.

     What is your motto to live by?
"Do what you love. Love what you do."
Since I am young, I am aiming on pursuing my dream of being a makeup artist. But right now I have a second choice, which could make me more successful in the future, but it's not a career I'd exactly 'love' to do.. Long story short, that's the motto I live by.

     Eyeliner or lipstick?
Eyeliner! On any day, I'd rather have defined eyes than colored lips since my lips are quite pigmented on their own.

     What is more important, what the scales read or you being happy with your body?
I believe the way one feels about their body is more important than what the scale reads.
The scale reads nothing but a number while the way you feel about your body reads your confidence and beauty.

     Mind reading or invisibility?
Mind reading. Even if I've always wanted to be capable of being invisible, I would rather be able to read minds. 

     If you were told you only had one more month to live, what will you do? How will you spend it?
If I was told that I only had one more month to live, I would definitely be in shock, but I don't really know how I would spend it or what I'd do in that month. I think its a decision better made in the moment.

     If you HAVE to get plastic surgery done in ONE place, all expense paid for, what or where will you get fixed? Why?
If I could get plastic surgery, I would merge my excess tummy fat to my thighs. I always wanted thicker thighs and a flatter tummy. (I hope merging fat from one place to another is considered one procedure...)

     "In love, the person who loves more is the happier one," with that said, would you rather love someone more than they love you or be loved more than you love them?
In love, I would rather be the one who loves more than "be loved more than I love them."

     If you could go back in time for only once, back to anytime period of your life, will you? If so, will you fix anything?
If I could go back in time, I would go back to my childhood between the age of 5-10 not to fix anything but to simply relive the great moments I've had as a kid.

     I nominate...

     My questions for you...
1. Who or what inspired you to start blogging?
2. What is the meaning behind your blog's name?
3. Introvert or extrovert?
4. If you could change your name, what would it be?
5. What is your favorite quote?
6. If you had to describe yourself as one animal, which animal would you be? Why?
7. Knowing what you know now, what advice would you give to your younger self?
8. What is your favorite brand of makeup?
9. What are your tips for new bloggers?
10. Where do you see yourself in 50 years?
11. (bonus question from meee)
     What is the best post you've written? (please provide a link so I can check it out!)

Special thanks to Dian for nominating me and thank you for stopping by!

Stay tuned for more posts ahead!



  1. Thank you for the nomination!
    I just posted my blog post for it here: http://ramblingmakeup.blogspot.co.uk/2015/01/liebster-award-take-2.html

    Rambling Makeup
