Thursday, July 31, 2014

Welcome to my Beauty Blog!!~

Welcome to Wndrlnds, my beauty blog!!~

My name is Mary, I am 16 years young from California. 
I am a student, a visual artist, an aspiring makeup artist, and an enthusiast of all things "Beauty, Fashion, and Art" related.

I just started blogging and this is my very first blog. 
Please excuse the fact that my blog is a bit empty, it is still undergoing construction, but I am just starting and this is normal and this marks the beginning of my journey.

In this blog I will be focusing mainly on sharing with you my long time favorite beauty products, along with the things I am interested in, the things I'd purchased, some beauty discoveries and treasures, and other personal opinions and reviews on products in some other fun thrown in!

I am not a professional by any means, but I love interacting with fellow makeup and beauty 'addicts' from all over the world whether it's posting a FOTD (Face/Foto of the Day), to sharing tips and tricks for makeup application and the likes. I don't have a favorite makeup brand, I love trying out new brands and new products all the time. While I don't consider high-end makeup to be the only makeup that I use, I do believe that you get what you paid for...however, this doesn't mean I'm ready to dish out $30 for a high-end mascara. 

As mentioned, I don't consider myself an expert in any means, so everything here is just my personal opinions and ideas. Just because something works for me doesn't mean it'll work for you, and just because something doesn't work for me doesn't mean it won't work for you too, so please take everything into consideration. And don't forget to experiment for yourself! 

I love talking with and meeting new people who share the same interests as me, so feel free to email me or leave a comment! :)

I welcome you to this journey in my life. Together we can explore the Wonderlands of art through beauty and fashion.

Shall we?


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