Sunday, April 12, 2015

One Lovely Blog Award | First Nomination


How is everyone doing this Sunday?

I've been trying to make up for my lack of posts towards the beginning of the month.
On top of school, I'm trying to create prom makeup tutorials, trying to do reviews or features of products I've been loving, and trying to keep up with tags.

So I've been, once again, tagged by the lovely Drama Beauty Pop to share more facts about me for the One Lovely Blog Award. If you haven't yet, I highly suggest for you to go check out her lovely blog where she unites three of her passions in one!

Thank you so much Dian for nominating me for this award and for always being very supportive of what I do. I truly appreciate it!! 💕💕

The Rules:

-Share seven facts about yourself
-Nominate up to 15 bloggers

Seven (hopefully interesting enough) facts about me...

1. I love fruits! And I like eating my fruits with salty foods and sometimes I even put salt in my fruits.

Doesn't this look so yummy and refreshing?

2. I'm a night owl. I'm more active and awake at night compared to during the day mostly because I enjoy the quiet and peaceful time I get to really focus on things I need to get done.

How cute is this fluffy little fella?

3. I had to refer myself as an animal...
    My favorite animal is...

...this free and happy cutie!!

4. I used to collect lip balms. Even if I didn't collect up to 25174938 of them, I really enjoyed collecting flavored and cute packaged lip balms.
My favorites were the LipSmackers or the ones packed in a soda or ice cream packaging. 

5. In real life and when I'm taking pictures, there's three sides of me...

the almost perfected Instagram worthy me... 5% of me in real life (its mainly for the IG pics)

the resting B* face... 75% of me in real life (more like 99%)

the crazy me... 20% of me in real life (only the closest people to me get to see this side)

6. When I'm alone I like to pretend I know how to dance and dance like I'm crazy...I don't know how to dance.

7. I used to play the violin when I was around 9 or 10. I wasn't really too good at it because I was never really interested in learning how to play it in the first place. Now that I look back at it, I wish I played the violin more often and didn't let go of it because it could be pretty relaxing and stress relieving. Aside from the violin, I can't play any other musical instruments. 

**All pictures (aside from my selfies) are taken from Google Images. I do not own any of them.

I nominate...
Elf's Beauty
My Name Is Meg Riley
That Little Beauty Blog
Brunette Wavez

I would love to learn more about the bloggers I love! I look forward to seeing your responses!



  1. Thank you so much for my nomination! It was great to learn a little bit more about you, and I'll get started on my own post as soon as I can :-)

    Meg ♡

    1. I'm looking forward to reading your responses! 💕

    2. Hey, I have my own post up now over on my blog!

      Meg ♡

    3. Just read your post! Love your responses!
