Thursday, May 7, 2015

Project Pan | Second Update | May 2015


I'm super excited because I surprisingly feel more accomplished this month compared to the first two months of this challenge. Its surprising to me because I've been sporting a bare face almost all month long and yet I manage to use up some products when I do wear some makeup!

If you're interested in reading my first post click here to see that. Almost a month ago I did my first update on my Pan Project click here if you're interested and here's my second update!

These aren't all the products in my original post, these are just the products that I've successfully made some progress on.

Starting with the lippies like always...
Although I made some progress with the Bigelow Mentha Lip Tint, I obviously haven't finished it yet and am no where close to finishing it. Honestly I really don't like this product. The more I try to use it, the more I hate it! Overtime, it gets really sticky and it feels like you have glue on your lips...not good! So I'm just going to toss this little guy out. 

Finally finished the EOS lip balm! I actually set the original deadline for this at the end of March but I felt like I could use it up more and I did! Now I opened a new one! Yaaasssss!!

So I'm proud to say I finished up all the products from my lip category.

Moving on to eye products...

I originally set my deadline for the elf Clear Lash and Brow Gel at the end of June, but I got through this product way quicker than I thought I would. My recent brow routine has been using this, combing it out when its dried, then running a brow pencil over my brows to give them a fuller look.

Even if I've been going through the elf brow gel with almost no trouble, I've been ditching the Maybelline BrowDrama a ton so I'm hoping I can get through this as fast as I got through the the elf one. Deadline for this is end of May (yes I changed my original deadline because I will try to get through this one quickly!)

As for the LORAC Behind The Scenes Eye Primer, I've made decent progress with this since my first post, but I still definitely have a ton more product to work with in here! Deadline for this is still end of June!

And as for the elf Eye Primer, deadline for this is still end of May, but I don't think I can get through all of this that quickly because as I've previously mentioned, I've been sporting a bare face almost all month long!

Finally, the NYX Eyeliner in Grey! I didn't realize how much progress I've made with this little guy until I saw a picture of it in my first update! I', quite proud of myself already. Hahah. Deadline for this is end of June!

Finally, moving on to face products...

I've made so much progress with the elf Mist and Set Spray since March and I've found so much different uses for it ever since! I'll be doing a review of this as soon as I'm through with it...stay tuned for that! As for right now, I think I'm feeling quite confident with adjusting my deadline for this product to the end of May!

As for the elf HD Lifting Concealers in Fair and Light, I've made some decent progress as well. I haven't been reaching for these much recently, so my deadline for these is still end of July!

Here's another one I'm proud of making visible progress on. The funny thing about this Smashbox Photo Set Pressed Powder is that the more I use it, the more I love it! The only reason I'm really trying to finish this up is because I've had this product for over 2 years!The inner most circle is from mid February, the second circle is from the beginning of April. I originally marked my deadline for this to be at the end of July but I highly doubt I can finish it by then so I think I'll be giving this little fella a break! I will definitely still be trying to use it up, just not as much. As soon as I'm finished with this, I'll definitely be repurchasing because its a perfect natural orangey bronzer for my skin!

Alrighty, hopefully I get to use up more products by their deadlines!

Thank you for reading!


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