Friday, September 12, 2014

Makeup Tip #3: How to Make Your Eyelashes Grow | DIY Eyelash Growth Serum

Hello hello!!

Today's post will be a combination of a makeup tip and a DIY (do it yourself) post on how to make your eyelashes grow. 

There are lash growth serums available all over the market that range from $7-$100+ with ingredients you don't even know how to pronounce and with results you can't even guarantee. In this post, I will be sharing with you a 'secret' on how I grew my short, barely existent Asian lashes using one very affordable product that you may or may not already have in your house.

Please keep in mind that I am not claiming that my lashes are the longest, fullest, or thickest natural lashes, I have definitely seen other people with naturally longer and fuller lashes, I am just sharing with you what has worked for me and I have stopped constantly using this product for this purpose because I have already reached my desired length for my eyelashes.

Here's what you'll be needing: Vaseline (petroleum jelly)
Optional: Cotton swabs , an empty mascara tube and brush

Step 1: This is best to do before bed. Make sure your eyes are clean and free from any makeup and make sure you arent wearing any contact lenses.
Step 2: Using either your finger or a cotton swab, massage a thin but generous layer of Vaseline over your lashes, making sure to get the inner and outer corners of your top and bottom lashes. I prefer using my clean fingers because I get familiarized with how much Vaseline I am picking up from the jar and I feel like the warmth of my fingers really helps to work in the Vaseline. Be very careful to not get any Vaseline into your eyes!!
Step 3: Leave overnight and wash off any excess Vaseline in the morning.

If you'd like, you can put some Vaseline into a clean and empty mascara tube and apply the Vaseline on your lashes like you would with a mascara.

I did this every night for 2 consecutive weeks (14 nights total) to reach my desired length. Every now and then, every 4 or so months, I find myself massaging Vaseline on my eyelashes, except now I usually focus more on the outer corners of my lashes.
Some people say that putting Vaseline on your face could clog your pores, but personally I have not had clogged pores from doing this. If your pores do get clogged, leave a wet warm face towel over your face for a minute and then exfoliate your face with any facial exfoliator you have. 
Also remember, when doing this, try your best to not get it into your eyes!! If a little Vaseline gets into your eyes, don't worry, its happened to me a couple of times, your eyes will naturally get rid of them by crying it out.

I hope this works for you too and I hope this helps anyone out there suffering from short, barely existent lashes like I did. Please do let me know if it works for you too, I'd love to hear from you guys.

Thanks for reading!! 


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