Monday, September 29, 2014

How to Repair Broken Eyeshadow, Blush, Bronzer, or Palettes

Hello hello!!

I'm sure that for any makeup lover out there, one of the worst feelings is opening your make up bag and finding that your favorite eyeshadow, blush, bronzer, or palette is smashed and broken into bits. Maybe in the past, you would simply shed a tear and either throw away the damaged beauties or try to make the best use out of the shattered pigment, but in this post, I will share with you a simple trick that will definitely be a life saver when it comes to broken eyeshadows, blushes, bronzers, or palettes.
So gather up all your broken treasures and lets get fixin'!

What you'll need:
- 70% (or greater) rubbing alcohol 
- Toothpick, small spoon/fork (crushing tool)
- any tool to use to press your broken pigments (a coin)
- paper towel 

Step 1: Using your crushing tool, crush your pigment on its pan until it becomes a fine powder...make sure you don't have any chunks left behind
Step 2: Slowly pour a decent amount of rubbing alcohol on powdered pigment and constantly mix until all pigment is wet and you have a creamy consistency 
Step 3: For 30 seconds or so, let the rubbing alcohol evaporate, then cover the pan with a paper towel and press on to the paper towel with your pressing tool to absorb most of the alcohol left behind
Step 4: Let your pan sit for 2-4 hours to ensure it is fully dry and ready to use
Step 5: And you're done!!

I hope you found this helpful!!


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