Saturday, February 28, 2015

Products Worth the Investment | NYC Liquid Eyeliner | Review + Swatches

Hello there!

This weeks Products Worth the Investment review is on the NYC Liquid Eyeliner. If you follow me on Instagram (@wndr14lnds), then you might recall me being on the hunt for a good drugstore liquid eyeliner that could be used to cover excess lash adhesive. Well, this was the eyeliner that was recommended to me the most so I definitely wanted to give it a try.

Brush tip applicator.

I only realized that I picked up the pearlized black shade when I got home, but they have a regular black shade available too.

Overall, I really like this NYC Liquid Eyeliner and I will definitely be purchasing the regular black shade. Even if I didn't end up using this particularly for covering excess lash glue like I intended to, I still really enjoy this for adding a nice twist to my regular black eyeliner looks. This eyeliner is super pigmented and long lasting. I love the brush tip which is super precise at the tip, allowing you to create the fines and boldest lines in just a couple strokes.

Got any product recommendations or suggestions? Leave them in the commends below!

Thank you for reading!
Stay tuned for more reviews!!


Tuesday, February 24, 2015

The Creative Blogger Award

Hello hello there!

Yes yes, I am posting on a weekday which my seem like a miracle, but I've been trying having great opportunities lately! Recently, I've been very busy with school so when I have a little free time in my hands, I try my best to work on my seems like I haven't been exposed to the sun in ages! Haha. 

Anyway today I have been, once again, nominated by dramabeautypop for another blog award! This year alone I've been nominated by her for two awards already! The Liebster Award back in January and the Sisterhood Award in the beginning of this month. Definitely check her out and follow her blog! She is very supportive of me, she has an amazing blog and posts daily! You'll love her!

So let's get into it!

1. Nominate 15-20 bloggers and notify all nominees via their social media/blogs. 
2. Thank and post the link to the blog that nominated you (very important!). 
3. Share five facts about yourself to your readers. 
4. Pass these rules on to them! 

Five facts about me: 
1. This is my first year of blogging (officially a year on August)!
2. I have four names. Which some people find normal and others think it's really strange. 
3. I have double jointed fingers! Should I insert a picture? Nooo...I don't want to scare any of you away. Hahahah. 
4. I hate insects/bugs. Every kind of them out there! The only insect/bug I sometimes don't mind holding is an ant. I once played with an ant and it played dead on my finger for about 10 seconds. 
...Yes, I'm strange. Welcome to my world. 
5. I find tons of happiness from the littlest in life. I'm in the process of converting and living a minimalistic lifestyle. The only collection I will keep and continue to grow is my makeup/art collection (Duhh!)

Now that you've learned a couple facts about's your turn!!
I'd love to get to know my readers and fellow bloggers!

I won't nominate any bloggers because I don't want to be limited to who I can nominate and I mostly follow bigger bloggers, but if you're reading this, please consider yourself tagged!!!

If you do this, please leave a link in the comments below so I can read your post and check out your blog!

Thank you so much for reading! 
Have a great night! 

- Mary 

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Favorites of the Moment | Makeup Favorites + Mini Reviews

Hello hello!

I just realized that I haven't shared some favorites in a while and since The Oscars is today (which I actually don't keep up to), what better day to give some extra love and appreciation to my absolute favorites? I thought I'd do a quick post sharing some products that I've been absolutely loving recently.

I haven't done reviews on any of the items on this post, but I certainly plan on doing some full individual reviews on certain products. 

Any requests? Just leave them in the comments section and I'll get to you as soon as I can!

Friday, February 20, 2015

Products worth the Investment | e.l.f. HD Lifting Concealers | Review + Swatches

Hello there!

Today's Products Worth the Investment review is on these e.l.f. HD Lifting Concealers which are from their studio line.

These elf concealers have been raved about by so many so I wanted to test them out for myself. I've been using these for a couple months now just because I wanted to test how it could wear on my skin throughout the different seasons.

Swatches with the shade Light on the left and Fair on the right.
Blended out swatches. Light on the left and Fair on the right.

These concealers are definitely medium to full coverage, as you can see it completely covered my mole. Heehee. On my combination skin, I find that these concealers definitely need to be set with a powder right after blending them in, otherwise they will set into your fine lines.

PROS: Long wearing.A little goes a long way. Very blendable. Medium to full coverage - covers up most imperfections from hyperpigmentation, to sun spots, to redness, to darkness under the eye..
CONS: When builded up, it can feel heavy and look cakey throughout the day. Unnatural/non-skin-like finish. Hard to find a good shade match.

Over all, I really like these concealers, they have such great coverage and staying power for being only $3, still I wouldn't repurchase them. Because of how hard it is to find a perfect shade match, I had to pick two shades (which neither ended up even matching). The light shade is way to warm and orangey to use as a concealer (and no, its not a peachy toned concealer), while the fair shade is too cool and pinky toned on my warm complexion.
So are these elf HD Lifting Concealers worth the investment? Hmmm...I don't think so. I definitely think you can skip on these and save your $3 for another great, affordable concealer for an additional couple bucks.

Stay tuned for more reviews!


Friday, February 13, 2015

Products Worth the Investment | Rimmel Provocalips | Instant Kiss Proof Lips + Swatches

Hello hello there!

Hopefully this isn't too late. I meant to post a review on the Rimmel Provocalips 16 Hour Kiss Poof Lip Colours at the beginning of February, but I just got way too busy. Anyway, here it finally is!

730 Make Your Move (top) and 230 Kiss Fatal (bottom.)
Make Your Move is a rusty nude.
Kiss Fatal is a deep berry/plum with a slight bit of shimmer.
The lock and shine swatch is on the far right, its just a typical clear gloss without shimmer.

There are eight total shades from this collection that range from pale nudes, to pinks, to reds, and to a deep plum.

These are the two step type of lip color/stain that has the color on one end and the lock and shine on the opposite end. There is a faint chemical scent in the colored part while the lock and shine has a yummy coconut scent. I usually don't like coconut, but this one just smells so delicious and it hides the chemical scent from the colored side.

I've tested these for over a month and I can say that they are definitely kiss proof, transfer proof, food proof, and drink proof! I can't guarantee that these lip colors can last over 16 hours, but I've worn them for 13 hours and yes, they held up surprisingly well!!

I know a lot of people have complained about these being so difficult to remove, but I find that using baby oil works wonders at removing these stains right off. I also use the Neutrogena oil free makeup remover which works almost as great.

Overall, I think the Rimmel Provocalips 16 Hour Lip Colours are absolutely great products that are definitely worth the investment. I love how comfortable, pigmented and long lasting they are. I highly recommend this to anyone looking for a lip color/stain that leaves a beautiful stain on your lips and not just the typical reddish tint most lip stains leave behind.

I hope you found this helpful!


Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Valentine's Day | Dark Smokey Eye Tutorial

Hello lovelies!

Here's my second Valentine's day inspired tutorial which is on this dark and vampy smokey eye! I hope you like it!

At the end of the post, I also show this same look with gold glitter on the middle upper lid and lower lash line.

Here's the final look without the gold glitter.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Valentine's Day | Pink and Purple Smokey Eye with a Touch of Gold

Hello lovelies!

My first Valentine's day inspired tutorial is on this pinky-purple smokey eye with gold eyeliner.

Here's the final look.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

The Sisterhood Award | First Nomination


Can you believe it!? I've been nominated for another blog award!
I am very honored and would like to give a HUGE thanks to DramaBeautyPop for nominating me!
If you haven't already, definitely go check out her blog, she has a new post daily! ...and I should mention, her nail art is just soo gorgeous!

The Rules
     -Link the blogger who nominated you on your post.
     -Put the award logo on your blog.
     -Answer the 10 questions that were given to you.
     -Make up 10 new questions for your nominees to answer.
     -Nominate five blogs and make sure they are aware that they've been nominated.
     -When you have responded, leave a link to your post in the comment section of the person who nominated you.

DramaBeautyPop's Questions and My Responses
     What does sisterhood mean to you?
To me, sisterhood means encouraging one another and helping each other to be better than we were yesterday. We should help build one another instead of taking each other down.

     Cake or pies?
Why throw me such a difficult question!? Hahahah.
I think I'd go for cake though...
Sorry pie, I still love you!

     Name three things from your bucket list. If you don't have a bucket list, name three things that you have great interest in trying.
On my bucket list:
1. See the Northern Lights.
2. Be successful in my chosen career (and in life) by 40.
3. Inspire others or make a difference in someone's life.
Great interest in trying:
1. Start a business (whatever it may be...)
2. Befriend a stranger because you can meet such great, life changing people that way.
3. Ride a hot air balloon and watch the sunset.

     What do you find most beautiful about yourself?
I find my hair to be my most beautiful physical feature as with such little effort it looks great (somewhere near great at least). To me, a great hair day leads to a great day just like a bad hair day leads to a bad day.
I also use my hair as a 'curtain' to hide myself from others when I don't feel like socializing or when I am shy. Its like this little barrier between myself and the world around me..

     Winter, Fall OR Summer, Spring?
Definitely winter and fall over summer and spring. I love the dark fall themed colors such as burgundy, forest green, plum, chocolate brown, mustard beautiful! I also love experiencing the fall and hearing and feeling the leaves crunch beneath your feet.

     What makes you unique?
If you put me in the middle of a crowd, you can easily spot me. I hate fitting in, being like others, or blending in with the crowd. I am my own self. To come and think about it, its actually really weird to be an introvert/antisocial and at the same time stand out from the others.

     Do you prefer to cook or bake?
I haven't had much experience with cooking or baking so I can't give one answer over the other for any given occasion. If I was to make something romantic, I think I would bake. If I was to make something casual, I think I would cook.

     Do you have any insecurities? If so, name one and why?
I am actually really insecure about my body. While everyone seems to want to lose weight, I'm over hear wanting to gain weight...bigger thighs, wider hips, flatter stomach, perhaps even a fuller bust. Just as hard as it may be for someone to cut down on their diet, no matter how much I stuff myself, I never gain weight...

     Top five favorite cuisine.
In no specific order: Thai, Japanese, Chinese, Italian and...Filipino? I like Asian food in general..

     What are your ultimate life goals? Please be as detailed as possible.
I'll list two that may or may not already be obvious...
Firstly, one of my ultimate life goals is to be successful in whatever it is I decide to pursuit as a career. At the moment I am still undecided because although I am an aspiring makeup artist, I fear that it won't get me anywhere.
Secondly, I want to eventually overcome all my fears because "in a mind full of fears, there is no space for dreams."
(I hope that's considered being as detailed as possible)


I nominate
Delicate Whimsy
My Name is Meg Riley

My Questions 
1. What does sisterhood mean to you?
2. Do you have any tattoos? If not, would you like to have one?
3. Name one short term and long term goal.
4. What do you do when you're down/to relieve your stress?
5. What is the best advice you've ever been given?
6. What is one thing you're proud of about yourself?
7. Would you rather love more or be loved more?
8. Doughnuts or ice cream?
9. What makes you happy?
10. What are your goals for 2015?

Alright, well now you know me a bit more. :)
Even if this is not makeup related, I hope you all found this as fun and entertaining as I did.

Huge thanks again to Drama Beauty Pop for the nomination!

See you all on my next post!
