Tuesday, February 24, 2015

The Creative Blogger Award

Hello hello there!

Yes yes, I am posting on a weekday which my seem like a miracle, but I've been trying having great opportunities lately! Recently, I've been very busy with school so when I have a little free time in my hands, I try my best to work on my blog...it seems like I haven't been exposed to the sun in ages! Haha. 

Anyway today I have been, once again, nominated by dramabeautypop for another blog award! This year alone I've been nominated by her for two awards already! The Liebster Award back in January and the Sisterhood Award in the beginning of this month. Definitely check her out and follow her blog! She is very supportive of me, she has an amazing blog and posts daily! You'll love her!

So let's get into it!

1. Nominate 15-20 bloggers and notify all nominees via their social media/blogs. 
2. Thank and post the link to the blog that nominated you (very important!). 
3. Share five facts about yourself to your readers. 
4. Pass these rules on to them! 

Five facts about me: 
1. This is my first year of blogging (officially a year on August)!
2. I have four names. Which some people find normal and others think it's really strange. 
3. I have double jointed fingers! Should I insert a picture? Nooo...I don't want to scare any of you away. Hahahah. 
4. I hate insects/bugs. Every kind of them out there! The only insect/bug I sometimes don't mind holding is an ant. I once played with an ant and it played dead on my finger for about 10 seconds. 
...Yes, I'm strange. Welcome to my world. 
5. I find tons of happiness from the littlest in life. I'm in the process of converting and living a minimalistic lifestyle. The only collection I will keep and continue to grow is my makeup/art collection (Duhh!)

Now that you've learned a couple facts about me...it's your turn!!
I'd love to get to know my readers and fellow bloggers!

I won't nominate any bloggers because I don't want to be limited to who I can nominate and I mostly follow bigger bloggers, but if you're reading this, please consider yourself tagged!!!

If you do this, please leave a link in the comments below so I can read your post and check out your blog!

Thank you so much for reading! 
Have a great night! 

- Mary 


  1. what a great award

    great post !!

    would love to know your thoughts on my new post Jadiee'sLittleBlog



    Have a nice day


    1. I just checked out your blog and I loved it! Keep up the great work! 💖💖💖
