Sunday, April 26, 2015

The Infinity Dreams Award | First Nomination

I am very honored and thankful to present to you another blog nomination by the very supportive and wonderful DramaBeautyPop
She nominated me for three other blog awards this year, the Liebster Award back in January, and the Sisterhood Award and the Creative Blogger Award in February!
I highly recommend for you to go check her out! She is very entertaining and super dedicated with what she does!

The rules...
1. Thank and follow the blog that nominated you. 
2. You must answer the 11 questions given to you by the person who nominated you. 
3. You must list 11 random/fun facts about yourself. 
4. You must nominate 11 other bloggers, ask them 11 questions, and notify them that they have been nominated. 

DramaBeautyPop's Questions and my answers...

1. Which ONE person inspires you the most in life? Why and how do they inspire you? 

Cheesy? But my boyfriend inspires me the most in life. He's my best friend and he's someone who I can count on to be by my side when no one else can. He's very intelligent, courageous, determined, honest...he's real. He's helped me to grow into the person that I am today. Without him I probably would be where I'm at right today. He opens my eyes and helps me see the beauty in the world when I don't see anything but war and hatred. There's just too much to say about him yet its not enough..

2. What is the best compliment you've ever received? Why is it so special? 

When someone told me that they admire me for how dedicated I am. I feel like this might sound like the simplest thing to others but it just means so much to me when I'm able to inspire others in the simplest ways. 

3. What is your favorite step in doing makeup? i.e. Blush, eyeshadow, brows, etc. 

This is a really tough question for me because I've practiced each step and learned to love each step for the magic they do. I think I'd go for any eye makeup because ever since I just liked focusing more on eye makeup. People generally look at your eyes and lips when they talk to you so it just makes sense to enhance these features.

4. Do you consider yourself a follower or a leader? Would you change this? 

I consider myself to be a leader because I'm the type of person who doesn't like fitting in with the crowd and when people tell me something is not possible, I'm usually (depending on the situation) one who is really determined to make things work. And no, I don't plan on changing this any time soon and I probably won't ever change this.

5. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years?

I don't like questions like this...In five years I see myself in college. In 10 years I see myself probably teaching in an elementary school.

6. Let's think short term, what would you like to achieve by the end of 2015?

By the end of 2015, I would like to get a job, learn to drive, learn how to cook more complex dishes, and improve on my makeup skillz.

7. Some people prefer large mansions while others are happy with a small country home. Some prefers beach front while others like the busy New York penthouse life. So tell me, what is your dream home like? 

My dream home...

A creepy yet lovely looking Victorian house that will either make children turn away or spark their curiosity to come in. I'd like to live in a house that draws you to come inside when you're looking at it from the outside and a house that makes you want to go out and explore the beauty of nature when your inside.
I'd like to live in a nice neighborhood filled with very nice and welcoming people who understand and cherish the importance of privacy and family and community as much as I do.

Image result for victorian house

8. If you had to live off of one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

It wouldn't be a very healthy diet, but I'd live off of rice. How Asian of me...hahah.
I tried not eating rice for a week and I was seriously sick of other food and all I wanted to eat was rice.rice.rice.

9. Do you succumb to fear or strive to overcome it?

Both. As much as I wouldn't want to succumb to my fears, I always try my best to overcome it.

10. Forgive AND forget? OR Forgive and NEVER forget?

I think it depends. For the most part forgive and forget. If you're ready to forgive someone, you should be ready to forget about their mistakes. We're human and we all make mistakes.
If they conscientiously repeat the same mistake, that's when you can forgive but never forget.

11. Since this is an "Infinity Dream," I think it is appropriate to ask, please describe your dream life, in full details. You can get as specific as you'd like. Love, career, life, hobbies, have at it. Have fun with it. :D

This is actually a really tough question as I don't want to go too far into my personal life with this.
I don't think I have a dream life...
As boring as that may sound, life isn't a fairy tale... I like to be as realistic as I can and like most people, all I really want is to live a happy and simple life.

11 Facts About Me...

1. I enjoy reading poetry and quotes. I can spend hours and hours tucked under my sheets reading some poetry. 

2. I'm a super shy person even around family...

3. Depending on what I do, I'm a very slow person in a way that I enjoy taking my time doing everything I do. I'd rather get it right the first time even if it takes me ages to do rather than get something done in 5 minutes and have so much mistakes. Which leads me to my fourth fact...

4. On top of being really slow, I'm a procrastinator and a perfectionist. How do I make it work? I really don't know..

5. Even if I'm the slow one at times, I can be really impatient. 

6. I love royal or jewel colors.

Image result for jewel colors
What is this you ask?
I have no idea, but I'm loving the intricate design and color combination. 
7. I'm slightly color blind between purple and brown. I sometimes can't distinguish the difference between an espresso color with a deep plum color but I can tell tan from lavender.

8. I'm 5'5" and I wish I was shorter because I love wearing heels between 4-5" but I don't like looking like a giant. 

9. I don't like watching television or movies. I hate the feeling of just sitting there for hours and hours.

10. When I was younger, I wanted to be a fashion designer.

11. I used to not be able to stand having the same hair color/cut for over at least 3 months. I've been cutting my own hair since I was about 12 and dying my own hair since I was around 13. I've changed my hair color multiple times and went from burgundies, to browns, to a dark purple, royal blue, green, teal, cotton candy pink, olive green, hot pink then went back to brown at 16. So pretty much I haven't had a full head of all my natural hair until last month!
Also, I'm the worst at styling my hair in terms of straightening or curling. All I can do is put it up with hair pins or hair ties, but 90% of the time its just down...not even combed. Truthful, super honest, slightly embarrassing fact. 
I just put a pearl size amount of baby oil on the tips of my damp hair so when my hair dries, my natural waves
are more defined and its not too obvious I didn't comb my hair. Yupp...true, honest, slightly embarrassing  fact.

My 11 Questions...

1. What or who inspired you to start blogging?
2. Who inspires you most?
3. Best childhood memory?4. What has been your dream ever since you were young?
5. If you could tell or advice your younger self three things, what would it be?
6. What is your biggest challenge you have conquered? You don't have to respond in full detail, but I'd like for you to reflect on it and look back at how its helped build the strong person you are today.
7. Where do you see your self in 5 years? 10 years?
8. At any given situation, are you the type who'd just go for it or are you one who would carefully analyze how the smallest steps could affect even the smallest details in the future? Would you change that?
9. Quantity or quality? Why?
10. List 3 short and long term goals.
11. What is your dream life? House, love life, family, career, etc.

Clearly some questions asked are taken from those given to me, but I just thought they were really good questions I'd be interested in knowing the answers to.

It was a challenge answering some of these questions and its helped me reflect more on myself. Thank you Dian for nominating me once again! You're amazing and you're truly appreciated!!

I nominate...
Elf's Beauty
That Little Beauty Blog

I nominated a few bloggers, but couldn't meet the 11 sorry! I just don't want to keep on tagging the same people and I don't want to be so restricted with tagging a certain number of bloggers so if you are reading this, please consider yourself tagged! And definitely leave a link below so I can check it out!


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